$1 Brand

Are you a startup business in desperate need of a good brand identity to truly represent who you are and what you do? Read along!

Starting a business may be one of the best things you will ever do, but it will very likely be also one of the hardest. While you may have a great idea, SMART goals, enthusiastic people (or person, if you are starting on your own - that’s also fine), and even the most scarce resource - money, you always need to help in the beginning. 

When Honedon was born, there was so much space for help from anyone, starting from investment to advise. The company was started by two friends who dreamed of having the freedom to design, create, and fire up brands. Although these two were professionals in this aspect, they didn’t know much about getting and managing clients, dealing with finances, or recruiting people among other challenges. This made their journey more difficult, but it never stopped them and so they started to learn as they go and try to do their best in every situation.


Now what?

Now, the work at Honedon is much better organized. Finances are taken care of by a professional, so is writing (if I do say so myself), and most other services and needs that the owners aren’t specialized in. This has created a balance that every business needs and aims to reach. This is a time and space that allows a business to think outside the box and innovate. Therefore, Honedon is going to do something crazy for a deserving startup company.


Giving back

Honedon has decided to start an initiative to give back to the community by creating a $1 brand identity (or rebrand) for a startup company. This initiative will be a yearly event, starting this year (2022). We will have an open call for startup businesses to submit a request that meets the criteria. Afterward, we will look at each application and, depending on the transparent criteria, we will select the winning startup and create a fire brand identity for them. 

Why are we doing this?

We want to help a startup company to get a boost in the success of their business. No one understands the meaning and power of a professional brand identity more than us. We know you need to look the part to make your business stand out and succeed. Who knows, maybe your company will become much bigger than ours or maybe you will diversify it after some time, but we know for sure that you will always have a newfound appreciation for good branding. And, this is part of our mission with Honedon, to brand well and to showcase the importance of a well-done brand.  


by Adea R. Ademi


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