Why do sports clubs need creative support?

3 Reasons with examples

The world of sports is a world of passion. Big feelings, determined people, and definitely special moments that shape history and give people an outlet from everyday life. We ourselves are sports fans and because of what we do in our daily lives, namely creative work, we can't help but notice how the visual aspect is a major factor in sports. If a sports team doesn’t look as professional and sophisticated, it is usually not taken seriously enough and fans can feel let down. Similarly, fans get very attached to the colors, symbols, and visuals of their favorite teams.

As sports lovers, we have understood that teams of any kind of sport need creative support for several reasons, among which:

1 / They need to be motivated

A sports team can get truly pumped up when they have a new visual identity. Sometimes teams start to lose their shine in every aspect and they need something extra to bring them up and running. 

Such was the case of a local basketball team, namely KB Trepca, representing the historically and culturally rich city of Mitrovica in Kosovo, who had started going on a downward spiral both in performance and motivation. 

When the team got new management, they contacted us to create a new visual identity for them, representing who they truly are in their will to succeed. Following the new identity which entailed a new logo, new visuals in every aspect, and simply a new feeling, came new sponsors and opportunities. Most importantly, the team was so motivated they managed to win the national championship. This goes to show how much a new image for the team can help it succeed and why it is so much needed. 


2 / They need to raise awareness and gain support

Another important reason why sports teams should seek creative support is to raise awareness and gain the support of both sponsors and fans. If a team is not visually represented, they may be looked over and neglected. Great sportspeople should be equally so represented in visual formats. 


For example, with the start of e-sports, multiple teams have started to leave their mark in the world. However, Kosovo is fairly new to the e-game. Pun intended! Nonetheless, without adequate visuals, this new sport could only remain known in small circles of gamers. 

When the first important esports tournament, Gjirafa Masters League, was being planned, we wanted to support this new sport. As such, we supported yet another sports team, Blink, creatively through the design of jerseys and merchandise. This team as well won the tournament and we were not only proud of them but also very happy to have contributed to increasing their professional appeal and support as their creative partner. 


Similarly, we created the brand identity for another e-sports team, the Bad News Eagles, and the odds are definitely in their favor for the future of the sport. We are eager and excited to see them shine!

3 / They need to feel recognized

Finally, sportsmen and sportswomen put so much effort, energy, and heart into their games. For most of them, playing sports is very rewarding, but there is always room for recognition that would be very much appreciated. 

The training and hard work they put into becoming the best, providing their fans not only with fun but also endless emotions, should be recognized. This is why we decided to create new and special jerseys for handball team KB Trepca for their 70th anniversary to honor their hard work and dedication. While sports teams need our creative support at all times, on special occasions it’s important to make them feel recognized for what they do on a daily basis. 

In this visual world, we sometimes forget how much effort goes into the representation of all kinds of entities. Maybe you haven’t thought about how much a sports team needs visual support. But, next time you watch your favorite team play a game, pay a little attention to how their logo looks, how cool their jerseys are, how bright their colors shine, and be aware that you are attached to these symbols just as much as you are attached to the team.

by Adea R. Ademi


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